Send Failed - device on Server Offline

ortigonover8 years ago

Well... it could be an option on admin website to be set like: "how long to keep the historial" or "delete historical after X days"

Concerning clearing the database, do you have a howto / user manual with indications about maintenance of traccar?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

There is documentation about configuration file. Please in future try to search for an answer before asking questions.

ortigonover8 years ago

Ok, thanks for nothing. I was thinking about to help with a donation because the idea is really good. But this seems just for really experts!

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I don't think searching and reading through documentation and forum threads is for experts. If you are lazy, there is always a paid support option.

ortigonover8 years ago

Sure, you could let me know but it would be great if you could be a little bit more polite in your comments

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You are asking questions that are documented and have been discussed many times before. It would be great if you could do some research before asking them.