Send Failed - device on Server Offline

ortigonover8 years ago

Dear Support Team:
I have installed traccar server on windows and on a raspberry pi (Linux installation) .
Those servers looks good and are reachable via localhost:8082 or the local corresponding IP address.

I have two mobiles , one android and one iPhone. I have installed traccar client in both of them.

Let’s talk about the iPhone example:

client config


client status

Issue: the server via web, always says OFFLINE. Could you please let me know that I’m doing wrong?

server offline

Thanks in advance
Best regards

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Port for Traccar Client is 5055. It is set correctly by default and it's indicated in any official documentation for Traccar Client. Not sure why you decided to change it to 8082.

ortigonover8 years ago

Thanks for your answer Anton.
I changed the port because I thought should matched the one of the Traccar server website, which is 8082.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Port 8082 is only for web interface. For devices you should use ports 5xxx:

ortigonover8 years ago

Dear Anton,
I have installed traccar server running on windows 10.
my iphone it's connected within the same WiFi so the local IP it's reachable but Still shows the website that the client running on the iphone is offline.

Now I have configured the port on the mobile client as 5550 as you told me before.

What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Correct port is 5055, not 5550.

ortigonover8 years ago

Thanks for your answer again. Yes, I miss typed before but was configured like this:
iPhone traccar client setup:

-sever address:
-server port: 5055
-encryption: disabled
-Frequncy: 10
-Distance: 0
-Angle: 0

windows 10 traccar server configuration:

- ==> this URL seems to be unreachable from other PCs on the same LAN although I have same shared folders and they are reachable without problem. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Try to open from your phone. If it's not reachable you probably need to open ports in the firewall on your server.

ortigonover8 years ago

As far as I know there is no need to open ports to access between LAN networks.
Anyway, why should I try to reach the IP when the configured server port is

I have try with both ports and had no success. I'm going to tray to open both ports on windows 10 firewall and let you know.


Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Port 5055 is for Traccar Client. Isn't that what you are trying to configure? I am puzzled by your question.

ortigonover8 years ago

I will try my question with an example.

For Example:

In a FTP server, the server has beeng configured to be use with port 21, therefore when I download a client for my iPhone and I wanna connect to my FTP server I set up the port 21 to match the one of the server.

So, Why with traccar, if the server has the port 8082 the client must be configured with the port 5055 to reach that server?

ortigonover8 years ago

FYI and all readers:
on windows 10 a firewall rule must be created separately opening the following TCP ports as follows:

  • search on your windows 10>> windows firewall with advanced security
  • inbound rules --> new rule >> Port >> TCP >> 8082 >>Allow the connection >> next >> next >> finish
  • same as before using port 5055
  • now works your windows 10 traccar server locally


Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Traccar uses multiple ports because it has multiple servers inside. There is one for web interface, and then there are many other ports for various GPS protocols, including port 5055 for Traccar Client protocol. That's how any other GPS tracking system works as well.

ortigonover8 years ago

Dear Anton:
I'm totally happy with Traccar! thanks a lot for your support and development!
I've created my own server using a raspberry Pi. But I see that it keeps recording and saving all my movements somewhere.

  1. At what point make sense to clean the log file?
  2. At what point makes sense and how can I clean / delete the data base which saves all the historical?

du -sh * /opt/traccar
44K bin
44K conf
1.4M data
72M lib
1.4M logs
64K schema
236K templates
4.0K test.jar
8.0K tmp
1.1M tracker-server.jar
1.9M web
36K wrapperApp.jar
768K wrapper.jar
4.0K /opt/traccar

Thanks in advance

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Only you can answer questions about how long to keep the data and logs. As long as you need, I guess.

As for clearing the database, there is a configuration parameter for that.