model: RST OBD2 port: 5196
my device is 7411883 and i saw traccar log.
-----LOG 1-----
2022-11-27 18:12:10 INFO: [Uf661a2b5: rst < xxx.xxx.xxx.xx = IP] 5253543b413b5253542d4f424476323b56392e30303b3030373431313838333b3134383b313b32352d31312d323032322031373a32343a30363b32352d31312d323032322031363a33373a33333b2d312e3433363332303b2d34382e3438303937323b303b3139303b34363b303b343b343b30303b42303b30303b31413b30323b31322e34373b342e31343b303b383b46453b303030303b30313b43303b30303830303030333b303b3b3b3235353b3b303b303b3b303b303b3b3b3b3b3b3b3235353b303b3b3235353b3b3b3b3b303b3b34303030303030303b303b303b303b46494d3b
convert hex to text
RST;A;RST-OBDv2;V9.00;007411883;148;1;25-11-2022 17:24:06;25-11-2022 16:37:33;-1.436320;-48.480972;0;190;46;0;4;4;00;B0;00;1A;02;12.47;4.14;0;8;FE;0000;01;C0;00800003;0;;;255;;0;0;;0;0;;;;;;;255;0;;255;;;;;0;;40000000;0;0;0;FIM;
----LOG 2-----
2022-11-27 18:15:03 INFO: [Uf661a2b5: rst > xxx.xxx.xxx.xx = IP] 5253543b413b5253542d4f424476323b56392e30303b3030373431313838333b3136333b363b46494d3b
convert hex to text
----LOG 3-----
2022-11-27 18:16:39 WARN: Unknown device - 007411883 xxx.xxx.xxx.xx = IP]
what could be wrong?
Looks like you haven't registered device on the server:
Unknown device - 007411883
device: 7411883 came in its box and in the configuration software it shows 7411883.
When it sends to the server it goes like 007411883 .
I have already registered on the server 7411883 and so 007411883 both ways and it does not recognize it.
do you think it could be the communication protocol?
If you already registered 007411883
, try waiting or restarting the service.
I changed the device name and then did as you said I restarted the server and it worked.
Thaaaaaanks you very much.
model: RST OBD2 port: 5196
my device is 7411883 and i saw traccar log.
convert hex to text
convert hex to text
what could be wrong?