Route replay from device popup window.

Track-trace2 years ago

Thats great Anton, i will test it today.

Cristian2 years ago

Thanks Anton, applying the changes it works.

Track-trace2 years ago


Thanks for thinking along with this issue.
It always is a struggle for me to build. This time for 5.9 my ubuntu setup complained about Vite when building the web-app and for me its not that easy to fix.

But anyway, now that i could finally build the web-app i have tested it and the code change works.

Meaby you have an idear about this message when the web-app is build.

assets/index-50baab16.js is 3.72 MB, and won't be precached. Configure maximumFileSizeToCacheInBytes to change this limit.

Would it be a good idear to set maximumFileSizeToCacheInBytes ? / How ?
I do build the web-app from the modern directory with: npm run build

Cristian2 years ago

that's another issue I don't know, I think (but I may be wrong) that you should check the service-worker.js file.

Or if you prefer open a new topic with this query

Track-trace2 years ago

Yes, thanks anyway for your reply.

Cristian2 years ago

Track-trace add this line in vite.config.js and no longer displays the warning

  workbox: {
    navigateFallbackDenylist: [/^\/api/],
    maximumFileSizeToCacheInBytes: 6000000, // add this line
Track-trace2 years ago

Will test that

Track-trace2 years ago

That Works, Thanks Cristian