Route replay from device popup window.

Track-trace2 years ago

Today i installed fresh 5.9 and did some tests to compare it to 5.7

On 5.7 when you click on the device popup window to show a replay of the route. Then when you double click on a dot on the map it will open up the popup window again for that position. This way you can scroll through the route and see the details for those positions in the popup window.

On 5.9 when you do the same as above it will not open the popup window when you double click on a dot / position (it will only zoom in more on the position). Is this correct?

It would be great if it can work as the same function as 5.7

Cristian2 years ago

Are you sure that version 5.7 is an official version?

Track-trace2 years ago

Yes im sure about that.

Cristian2 years ago

It happens that I had to program that in the platform, that's why I was asking

Track-trace2 years ago

Ok, as far as i remember i did not enable anyything on 5.7 to make that work. So actually now that is not working on 5.9

This is what the replay looks on 5.7 when you double click on a dot.

So if we can get that back in 5.9 that would be great because the popup window in that case is very informative.

Cristian2 years ago

I recommend that you enter a feature request. Then Anton and his team can review it.

Track-trace2 years ago

Why should it be a feature request when it already was working?
Sounds more like a bug to me.

Cristian2 years ago

You are absolutely right, I checked the code and it is as you say.

Track-trace2 years ago

Good, can you show me where (whice file(s)) the code is different. Will save me some time so i can recompile traccar server.

Cristian2 years ago

I haven't found the solution yet, but it depends on this code snippet to display the popup.

  {showCard && index < positions.length && (
      onClose={() => setShowCard(false)}

Track-trace2 years ago

I did compare both files ReplayPage.js from 5.7 and ReplayPage.jsx from 5.9 and they are actually exactly the same.

So it seems some other code/file is responsible for the change. Will be great if we can find the solution.

Track-trace2 years ago

I did some testing. Actually i think we need to look at the modern app code (not the server code).

Because i have moved the 5.9 server install directory to a test directory and then removed the modern app directory from it and then replaced it with the modern directory from traccar 5.7

Then when i start the 5.9 server it will show correctly the server and app version:

Then when i do the same replay from the popup window the double click works again and opens a new popup for the replay.

Thus the issue is in the modern app code.

Track-trace2 years ago

Meaby this comparison between traccar-web 5.7 and 5.9 can give some insight.

Cristian2 years ago

the problem is in the modifications that were made to the MapPositions.js file, following what you did, in my case I just changed that file from version 5.8 that I had to 5.9 and the popup worked again.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago