Route issue in Modern Web App

Fareed Qureshi3 years ago

Hi Anton,

I am running traccar version 5.2 on my local pc of window through source code, I make a build of modern and upload it on server. On server I already installed Traccer 5.2 and replace its modern folder with build which I uploaded. But router are not working on server, when I click any option it changes url and look for path at root folder i.e web instead of modern. When I insert modern then page load successfully. Any idea what will be the issue

Fareed Qureshi3 years ago

Further devices are also not showing on map, although they are showing on left menu.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

It's a forum for everyone to participate, so please don't address questions directly to me.

What source code are you using to build the app? Are you building version 5.3 or later?

Fareed Qureshi3 years ago

ok I understand will not address to anyone.

Secondly I am using source code of 5.0 and on server I used both 5.0 and 5.2

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You should always use matching versions.

Fareed Qureshi3 years ago

I would like elaborate more here, I am using source code of 5.0 and on server when I used 5.0 I am not able to go on any link and on 5.2 I have to add modern to go to specific link. So even after matching versions I am not able to go to any link.