I'm not sure why it doesn't work. Traccar uses relative paths everywhere, so I don't understand why it tries to load files from root path.
I have test in local with this config :
ProxyPass /traccar/api/socket ws://localhost:8082/api/socket
ProxyPassReverse /traccar/api/socket ws://localhost:8082/api/socket
ProxyPass /traccar http://localhost:8082/
ProxyPassReverse /traccar http://localhost:8082/
Same problems, files don't load...
Any ideas ?
Do you have a URL I can try myself?
You can try with this URL :
Corresponding at this configuration :
ProxyPass /traccar/api/socket ws://
ProxyPassReverse /traccar/api/socket ws://
ProxyPass /traccar
ProxyPassReverse /traccar
I think I know what's your problem. In your config you are missing forward slashes. I should be something like this:
ProxyPass /traccar/ ProxyPassReverse /traccar/
Can you hide the URL in the previous post ?
Yes it's work, I can connect to Traccar.
But now, after connection I have this error : Web socket connection error
And many errors about API in the developper console :
I have change the config like this :
ProxyPass /traccar/api/socket/ ws://
ProxyPassReverse /traccar/api/socket/ ws:///
ProxyPass /traccar/
ProxyPassReverse /traccar/
But no work...
I have also test with one virtual machine with Traccar + Apache2 : it's the same, no work and same errors...
Thank you
Why did you add forward slashes to the socket? It's not needed there.
I have tested with forward slashes and no forward slashes. Same errors for both
Can you hide URL in post #15445, please ?
Does it work if you proxy without adding "traccar" to the path?
Yes without subdirectory /traccar it work correctly
ProxyPass /api/socket/ ws://
ProxyPassReverse /api/socket/ ws:///
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
Why do you have 3 slashes after "ws"? Are you sure it works like this?
You can try to search on forum. I believe some people managed to configure subdirectory proxying with Traccar successfully.
Sorry it is a mistyping in forum, my conf is with 2 slashes.
I have search on the forum, I have not found a config with a subdirectory, have you an example ?
I found this thread:
I have test your solution in Github but it doesn't work.
Finally, with this configuration : (without subdirectoy)
ProxyPass /api/socket/ ws://
ProxyPassReverse /api/socket/ ws:///
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
It work but in right of page I have this error message : Web socket connection error
In developper console, I have this message : WebSocket connection to 'wss://app.****.net/api/socket' failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 405
Have you ideas ?
Thank you,
I use two virtuals machines, one with Traccar and one with a reverse proxy Apache.
I want to access Traccar with https and reverse proxy with this type of url : https://app.****.net/traccar
I configure Apache with this link : https://www.traccar.org/secure-connection/
Here my config
Module proxy_http and proxy_wstunnel is activated.
When I want access Traccar with my URL : https://app.***.net/tracker I have a blank page with "Powered by Traccar GPS System" and I can't login.
With developper console I have this informations :
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) : https://app.***.net/app.css
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) : https://app.***.net/load.js
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) : https://app.***.net/app.css
The URL write by browser is not correct but I don't known how I can change it...
If I don't add a subdirectory and access directly to https://app.***.net/ ; Traccar work correctly...
Can you help me ?
Thank you in advance