Albertus8 years ago

I want to create a nagios add on that wil show all trackers status. I thought this will be easy until i saw that not even admin can get all devices through api and you can not create duplicate identifier. Any ideas?

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You are mistaken. Admin can get all devices (see all parameter).

Albertus8 years ago

Manage to get results for starting Nagios add-on, will share soon.
Get one unit : http://url:8082/api/devices?all=true&id=1
Get all units:

Albertus8 years ago

Nagios - Device online / Offline Status with RestAPI

#!/usr/bin/env python

import json
import sys
import requests 

# Nagios Exit statuses
OK = 0

uid = (sys.argv[1])
url = ''
user = 'admin'
password = 'password'

payload = {'all': 'true', 'id': uid}
response = requests.get(url + ':8082/api/devices', auth=(user, password), params=payload, timeout=5.000)
data = json.loads(response.content)[0]  

if response.status_code != 200:
   exitmessage = "UNKNOWN - "
   state = UNKNOWN
   value = "Unknown"
   if data['status'] == 'online':
    exitmessage = "OK - "
    state = OK
        value = "Online"
   elif data['status'] == 'offline':
    exitmessage = "CRITICAL - "
    state = CRITICAL 
        value = "Offline"
   elif data['status'] == 'unknown':
    exitmessage = "WARNING - "
    state = WARNING
        value = "Unknown"  

print exitmessage, value, ' |'
raise SystemExit, state

Hope This Helps Someone . . .

Albertus8 years ago