Request for 'Force GPS' option

KMRT Comms7 years ago


Seemingly since the the update to 5.xx of the client app I have noticed some inaccurate tracking of devices, this has been on both Android and iOS devices. I have not seen the inaccuracies on any devices on earlier versions of the app (versions without the 'Location Accuracy' option).

The track and data below are from an Android device running version 5.8 and the 'Location Accuracy' set to 'High'. Only 2 points are correct, it seems that the others were not using GPS? The locations reported are over 10km from the actual location in some cases.

As we are a Mountain Rescue Team that operate often at the limit of mobile coverage we would prefer to see no data rather than low accuracy points. Is it possible to add a feature so that devices only report their position when they have a GPS fix?

Thanks, and please let me know if there is more information you require.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

High accuracy is the GPS option. On iOS it's exactly the same as it was before. On Android it might return inaccurate location if GPS is not available, but if GPS is available it should return accurate location.

KMRT Comms7 years ago

Thank you, we will keep testing