Rename Client

Carlo Glinetzki3 years ago

Is it possible to rename a Client, and if, how?
I tried edit in web ui, give a new name, which worked, but only in actual session, when I create a new session the name was back the old

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

What client are you talking about?

Carlo Glinetzki3 years ago


Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Well, of course it's possible to rename. If it didn't change, there's probably some issue with saving it in the database. Have you checked database?

Carlo Glinetzki3 years ago

That's my problem. I renamed in in web ui, as I explaned already and after I reset my connection it was gone again. So I checked tc_devices, and there it was the old name. So then I tried to change it directly in the table, but this didn't changed it at web ui. Now I thought, there must be some other place where it is saved.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

If you change database directly, you have to restart service to clear cached values.

As for changing from the web app, it should obviously work. I would recommend checking API response to see if there was an error.

Carlo Glinetzki3 years ago

OK, thanks, I will try tomorrow

Carlo Glinetzki3 years ago

OK, this time it worked directly from web app as it should, I checke database and reset session and it was still OK.
So, I have no idea what was wrong last time.
Sorry, for bothering you

Dan Clark3 years ago

If you're talking about Device Names; I had this issue if I was logged in as an non-admin user, if I logged in as an admin it allowed me to change it and it saved.