Removing Port 8082 from URL

Martha6 years ago


I have this site: and I would like to remove the port #8082. I have added the web port 80 on my traccar.xml, but I'm still required to add 8082 on the url for the site to load. What am I doing wrong?

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM ''>


    <entry key='config.default'>./conf/default.xml</entry>

    <entry key='database.driver'>org.h2.Driver</entry>
    <entry key='database.url'>jdbc:h2:./data/database</entry>
    <entry key='database.user'>sa</entry>
    <entry key='database.password'></entry>

    <entry key='web.port'>80</entry>



Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Have you restarted service?

Martha6 years ago

I went to Window's 'Services' and selected 'traccar' and clicked on 'restart the service'
But now I cannot reach the site.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

OK, before asking for help on forum, you need to investigate it yourself, check logs, search for existing solutions etc.

giorgijag6 years ago

Hi Martha,

How did you manage to do like this: link domain name to your local pc traccar server?

Martha6 years ago

Sorry I didn't do it, my co-worker set it up

Mayank6 years ago

Hi giorgijag,

That will be easy just add a mapping of ip -> url[desired url] in /hosts file. The location of this file varies wrt to the OS that you are using. Like in windows it usually be C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts, In MacOS it will be some where here; /etc/hosts.

Hi Martha,
Is your problem resolved? If not Can u please provide the logs post restart of traccar service.

Martha6 years ago

Thank you for everyone's assistance. I had issues on my server's configuration. I did not have IIS enabled for HTTP, so I couldn't use port 80, but it's all good now!

giorgijag6 years ago

Hi Mayank,
Thank you very much.

If I map like that, traccar will be accessible by URL address form external network yes?
For this I also need to buy domain yes?

Mayank6 years ago

Hi giorgijag,

This solution was only for the local system.
And please see inline.
If I map like that, traccar will be accessible by URL address form external network yes? [No -> For that You need to buy external hosting and host the application there.]
For this I also need to buy domain yes? [Yes -> You need to buy the domain name and map with your host server]

giorgijag6 years ago


Thank you for your professional support.

Martha's web-page is accessible from external network, and her Traccar is running on windows.

It means I can direct domain name to my local traccar server to my PC's external IP?

Mayank6 years ago

Hi giorgijag,

My take will be She might be hosting this on some windows machine on the cloud. As If You do this; [I can direct domain name to my local traccar server to my PC's external IP] Your application will be accessible as and when only your PC is online.

Amit Mundada6 years ago

@mayank:- can you please share your contat details to discuss some functional requirements

Mayank6 years ago

Hey Amit,

You can drop me a mail

Martha6 years ago

How do I delete this forum post, my site is now getting spammed with a bunch of random users? I disabled the registration button for now, but I need to let some people in my org to register on their own! Please help, @Anton Tananaev