Remove the Status Status online & Offline Notification

rowl3ya month ago

Hi all,

Is there a way I can remove the Online & offline notifications?

Thank you

Kaldeka month ago

Do you mean an actual Notification as per Settings->Notifications or just that you don't want to know if the Device is offline with a red colour of the icon?

If it's the latter, my advice to you is you don't want that. You want to know if Devices are Online or Offline, and you especially never want to see "Unknown". If a device is Offline, commands sent will be queued, but you will at least know they will be queued until the Device is Online. If a device is Unknown, then Traccar will attempt to send commands to the device based on the TCP or UDP session it assumed is held open. You can end up in a state where commands are not working and you don't know why.

If it's the former, you just delete that Notification, or at the very least remove it from the devices where it's been applied.