Please don't duplicate your questions.
If you want to disable add or delete, then you should check for permissions of the user account and limit it (Read only maybe).
If you want to dissapear buttons from the web interface, you need to modify a web interface and compile it.
Thank you, Captain Obvious!
Man, nobody here will do your homework for free. If you want to learn how to modify and compile your own build of modern interface like me and many here, then learn.
If you want to know what files can you modify to delete buttons, you could question that, and maybe we could give you a clue.
But we will not give you the code exact for what you want to do.
Is there any guide how to edit and compile? Which files are for edit? I am just started few weeks in Java.
You need to learn about react and NodeJS.
I don't know exactly what buttons do you want to delete, but if you want to modify something in the Device popup that appears when you select a device in map, file is StatusCard.js
Maybe you should share an image marking the buttons you want to remove so you don't have to guess what you really need. And explain why. It doesn't make much sense to me what you are ask
Delete device only by administrator. File src/main/java/org.traccar/api/
public Response remove(@PathParam("id") long id) throws Exception {
// Получаем пользователя по ID
User user = permissionsService.getUser(getUserId());
// Проверяем, является ли пользователь администратором
if (!user.getAdministrator()) {
return Response.status(Response.Status.FORBIDDEN)
.entity("Удаление устройства доступно только администраторам").build();
permissionsService.checkPermission(baseClass, getUserId(), id);
permissionsService.checkEdit(getUserId(), baseClass, false, false);
storage.removeObject(baseClass, new Request(new Condition.Equals("id", id)));
cacheManager.invalidateObject(true, baseClass, id, ObjectOperation.DELETE);
LogAction.remove(getUserId(), baseClass, id);
return Response.noContent().build();
Hi, how do I remove "ADD" and "DELETE" device buttons from the user's panel?
Readonly isn't good
How can I remove it ?