Real-time event.

Tracker2 years ago

Greetings everyone!
Can anybody help me? Is there any way to get the realtime event without accessing the tc_events table? I see that even without enabling notification the table is filled, what would be the way to get these events? In the SocketControler.js file I was not successful, would it be something related to redux, if so could you exemplify how? I'm opening this topic because I didn't find anything related to my question.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

You can use event forwarding.

Tracker2 years ago

Ok, Thanks!

Tracker2 years ago

So that I can get event information without event forwarding, is it necessary to enable a web-type notifier for example?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

What's wrong with forwarding?

Tracker2 years ago

Nothing wrong, the question was another? Thanks