Option 1 If I'd skilled up with Java I'd probably have little use for those skills afterwards and I don't want to come out retirement!
Option 2, Now that's a good idea. I'm accustomed to have people code for me in my work, so this will be the first time I spend my own money. If I put together a requirement specification how can I get in touch with you?
You can use email address from the Support page.
I think I have the same problem. tracker reports online regularly but no recent GPS coordinates or other data. Typically reports data from yesterday not today even though online today. Protocol decoder link no longer works but there is a dolphin messages proto folder. Using Teltonika FMB920 trackers. Did you find a solution to this problem?
I can't teach everyone Java. If you had basic Java knowledge, you won't have this question.
Unless you can find someone to do it for free for you, you have two options: