Working sending by firebase selecting packge name app(massive send), but send by token not working, traccar 5.2. Regards
This forum is for everyone to participate, not just for me.
I didn't know
Really? It is called a forum.
Only you usually answer me, can you help me?
Do you want share your configuration?
Yes, is this
<entry key='notificator.types'>web,mail,firebase</entry>
<entry key='notificator.firebase.serviceAccount'>
"type": "......",
"project_id": "......",
"private_key_id": "......",
"private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----......\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
"client_email": "......",
"client_id": "......",
"auth_uri": "",
"token_uri": "",
"auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
"client_x509_cert_url": "......"
Looks fine to me. Are there any errors if you test it?
After, 2 hours just start sending push notifications, maybe take time for firebase to check registration, so now working. Thanks
And for traccar push, where is key_traccar? For set in traccar.xml?
Hello Jesus, tell me, do you think you can share how you got the push notifications to work? I am relatively new to Traccar and I am somewhat blocked with this question.
Hi Anton
I have configured the server with the parameters to enable firebase notifications and json en traccar.xml, but in the same way the push notifications do not arrive. I have also added play services in the app. I tried directly from the firebase console and there the notifications arrive from there to the app.