Protocol / Port 5093 is UDP?

Cris3 years ago

I am trying to figure out as to why one of two of the same devices (TK905) is displaying status unknown after 10 minutes, whereas the other goes correctly offline.
Protocol is for both 5093.
From what I understand it is said that if a device is online but not updating, by default, status switches to unknown after 10 minutes.
However, I have actually physically turned off the device after it had sent and update to the server, so it was for sure not online any more and should display status offline.
Interestingly, after restarting the server it actually shows correctly offline - but only until the device is transmitting an update - after that it goes back to "unknown" after the 10 minute timeout.
The only difference I can see is perhaps a different firmware version of the two same devices.
Would appreciate any pointers or hints - thanks.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

UDP protocol doesn't have offline status.

Please don't address questions directly to me. The forum is for everyone to participate.

Cris3 years ago

I'd say a causal "Hi," does not hinder anyone to contribute to the question raised and is generally not considered a personal approach - but hey we are mostly not native English speakers here.. so I might be wrong - let's be easy.

Back to the issue; is it documented anywhere whether a specific port is TCP or UDP or both?

As one device is going offline on port 5093 I suppose it is TCP.
Anyway, how can it be that two identical devices (using same port) behave differently?
Nothing has been amended on the server side to warrant that.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

I edited your comment. It was "Hi Anton" originally.

Back to the issue; is it documented anywhere whether a specific port is TCP or UDP or both?

Usually it's documented in the protocol documentation.

Anyway, how can it be that two identical devices (using same port) behave differently?

Low quality devices? It doesn't really surprise me.

Cris3 years ago

Thanks for clarification :)
For the protocol on port 5093 there seems to be no documentation provided.

Anyway, the issue with a device flagged as unknown has been brought up in the forum many times and seems unresolved to me.

What I see are two explanations:

  • either: "Unknown status essentially means that there is a network connection between device and the server, but device hasn't reported any data for X minutes."
  • or: UDP in unable to discern offline status

As I use another device on protocol 5093 that does go offline correctly, I assume that 5093 is using TCP.

Turning the device that is flagged "unknown" completely off does not change the status to "offline" although there is definitely no network connection.

Another strange effect is that the "unknown" device shows "offline" as soon as the server is restarted - what can be derived from that?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Turning device off doesn't mean it closes connection gracefully. It might just stop communicating, in which case server still thinks the connection is on.

On server restart we reset all devices to offline. That's by design.