Problem with trip reports

ValAg2i6 months ago

I have a problem with the trip reports.
When I want to display the trips for a day, the result is consistent.
However, when we take more than one day, there is nothing logical anymore.

good :
Today :
ok today.jpg
Yesterday :
ok yesterday.jpg

not good :
This Week :
nok week.jpg
Yesterday and Today :
nok yesterday+today.jpg

Do you have any idea what the problem is?

Cristian6 months ago

It may be this

report.fastThreshold config

Time threshold for fast reports. Fast reports are more efficient, but less accurate and missing some information. The value is in seconds. One day by default.

Default value: 86400L

ValAg2i6 months ago

Ah perfect!

Thank you, the problem came from that!

However, is it possible to disable this option?

If I understood correctly, it is the low threshold above which the calculations for the trip reports are "fast" and therefore can create errors.

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

You can't disable it completely, but you can set the value really high.

ValAg2i6 months ago

Ok thanks.

In my case I put 7 days in second.
Is it possible that this impacts other functions?

Cristian6 months ago

ValAg2i, I use that value and have no problems, corresponds to 7 days

<entry key='report.fastThreshold'>604800</entry>
ValAg2i6 months ago


Thank you, that's what I set as a setting.
It would be convenient to be able to set "0" to disable the "fastreport" feature.

Best regards.

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

No, that would be a convenient way to enable it for all reports. But you can easily "disable" it by setting the threshold to a year or more if needed.