Problem with J16 connection

Auto Rastreio2 months ago

I configured the J16 device with port 5023, it is connecting, cutting off fuel, location and everything else.

However, it is entering a state where the ignition icon does not appear and when I turn on the vehicle, no notification is sent.

Then, if I turn off the vehicle and wait for the engine icon to turn off and then turn on the vehicle, the notification is sent.

I have already reinstalled the traccar server without any changes.

No server log is saved

Cristian2 months ago

First you say that the power icon does not appear and then that you wait for it to turn off.
Does the icon appear or not at any point?

Did you try adding ignition to the attribute copy?

Auto Rastreio2 months ago

When I turn on the car, the icon appears and turns green (on). As soon as I turn it off, it still appears gray (off). During the period that the icon is appearing, if I turn on the vehicle, a notification is sent.

After a period of time, the icon disappears and if I turn on the vehicle, the green icon appears again, but no notification is sent. Only if I do the same process as mentioned above

Cristian2 months ago

then the problem is with the power-on notification?

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

If the ignition icon doesn't appear, it probably means your device didn't report it. Check logs and protocol documentation for your device.

Auto Rastreio2 months ago

O dispositivo utiliza o protocolo gt06, está configurado corretamente.
Ele identifica a ignição, mas o ícone desaparece. Quando desaparece não é enviado notificação

Cristian2 months ago

I insist on the copy of attributes then.

I use those devices and they work perfect for me

Auto Rastreio2 months ago

What commands do you use to configure?

Cristian2 months ago


SZCS#GT06IEXVOL=2 vehicle voltage

then the TIMER

RastreameMX2 months ago

Your problem is on the protocol you are using. On J16 ignition is not reported on every position.

J16 can be configured to report using GT06, Huabao and H02 protocol. I don't remember exactly how, but GT06 can be configured to use some as "extended" protocol where it reports more complete attributes.

Other solution could be configure device to report as H02 with "new" version. Commands for J16 devices to change protocols are these :

0 for H02, 1 for Huabao and 2 for GT06

0 and 1, don't remember exactly but maybe 1 is extended GT06 format (it reports better ignitions)

0 for 2011 version of 808 protocol (Huabao), 1 for 2013 version of huabao protocol (as far as i remember, 2013 is most complete and it reports better on ignitions)

Not necesary to say that depending on what format you configure on PTL_SEL, you must to change SERVPORT too according.


RastreameMX2 months ago

Sorry, i forgot to mention : Indeed attribute copy could be an option to fix trouble, but it's safer to configure a protocol that reports complete attributes, because even if you configure attribute copy of "ignition", if your device is not able to report position where "ignition=false" was set, your device never is going to report ignition off, and even it would keep reporting ON until next position with attribute "ignition=false" arrives.

Always is better to configure complete attribute protocols. It uses more carrier fees, but it's safer, because on each position you have full attributes and can manage better when it changes.


457478955475a month ago

Did you manage to solve the problem? my j16 does not turn off the engine when the command is assigned to a notification

Auto Rastreioa month ago

No, I still have the same problem and I don't know what to do.