Problem with GL200 Protocol after version 5.12

MT6 months ago

Hi, Sorry guys but this one has me going around in circles for something which is probably really simple but I cant seem to find the issue !

I have a bunch of Quelink GL320M trackers which work great on any version prior to the 6.x versions but for anything after 5.12 I do not get locations updated... I've narrowed it down to an issue on GTERI messages (GTINF seems to work).

In the logs I see....

2024-08-11 09:59:17  INFO: [Tcba3729c] connected
2024-08-11 09:59:22  INFO: [Tcba3729c: gl200 <] +RESP:GTERI,C30205,removed,gl320m,00002100,0,16,1,2,0.0,0,24.3,removed,removed,20240811095916,0234,0010,53E9,98CE,,87,1,29.7,1,900,20240811095919,1B30$
2024-08-11 09:59:22  INFO: [Tcba3729c] error - For input string: "29.7" - NumberFormatException (... < Gl200TextProtocolDecoder:966 < *:1619 < Gl200ProtocolDecoder:54 < ExtendedObjectDecoder:73 < ... < WrapperContext:102 < ...)
2024-08-11 09:59:22  INFO: [Tcba3729c] disconnected

(I've removed the location and the EMEI and IP). This seems to point to the Temp values, but looking at the source code I cant see the issue..

can anyone help please ?

Anton Tananaev6 months ago

If you need some help, you have to provide a real sample without edits.

MT6 months ago

The only thing changed on the above was the removal of my home long & lat location , the rest of the formatting is as is (the location was the correct format)

I have managed to get the trackers to send GTFRI messages rather than GTERI ones by removing the external battery and temp sensor and this works fine too, Im guessing there has been a change in the protocol file (Gl200TextProtocolDecoder) between version which no longer likes the GTERI message type.