Checking in the code I find in
* Enable attributes skipping. Attribute skipping can be enabled in the config or device attributes.
public static final ConfigKey FILTER_SKIP_ATTRIBUTES_ENABLE = new ConfigKey(
"filter.skipAttributes.enable", Boolean.class);
I have to set it if it's no more documented?
I find in
private boolean skipAttributes(Position position) {
if (skipAttributes) {
String attributesString = Context.getIdentityManager().lookupAttributeString(
position.getDeviceId(), "filter.skipAttributes", "", false, true);
for (String attribute : attributesString.split("[ ,]")) {
if (position.getAttributes().containsKey(attribute)) {
return true;
return false;
Tried with and without enable, with multiple attributes together, with only alarm, with a specific alarm (powerCut) without succes
It's this feature still usable? or it's deprecated?
Hello, my tracker sometimes sends me invalid positions, so i added a filter.
However I want to know when power it's cutted, valid position or not. So I did:
<entry key='filter.enable'>true</entry> <entry key='filter.invalid'>true</entry> <entry key='filter.skipAttributes.enable'>true</entry> <entry key='filter.skipAttributes'>alarm,ignition,result,status</entry>
But I receive
even when I cut power.
Are config wrong? Actually filter.skipAttributes.enable it's not documented, but I read in discussion it's needed.