Sounds like you have incorrectly upgraded to the latest code or release.
I did everything I updated to 3.17
even with the 2h bank was with admin as normail user
I put the mysql it was normal now it stopped again
what should I do
You clearly upgraded incorrectly, but there is no way to know what exactly you did wrong.
I did like this one in the procedure.
I can solve it directly in the database
You can. Install clean Traccar and see what the difference is.
in permission and the options are deselected
I noticed that in the previous version in user was admin now and administrator
Hello, same problem - all users (including admin account) lost admin rights.
After rollback to 3.16 with DB restore - all admin rights are correct.
It means that you haven't upgraded correctly.
I am Windows user:
What I did wrong?
Sounds right. What database are you using?
Build-in DB engine only.
When I did DB restore, after upgrage to 3.17 = copy backuped data directory back to traccar dir -> admin rights are correct.
admin is as normal user I have done everything