Problem in server manager

phalguni8 years ago

Hi ,
Thanks for providing gps tracker software.
When i configure Traccar server and traccar client its work perfectly but when i trying traccar manager i facing same problem as mention
I try to troubleshot but not success so kindly suggest

My server platform: AZURE
OS: Ubuntu 16.04_64
PORT Open: 8082,80,8080,5055
Traccar Client : latest from google playstore.
Tracecar Server: 3.11 from
Traccar Maneger: 2.2 from google playstore.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

What's the URL that you are using in Traccar Manager? Does it work if you open same URL in the browser on the same mobile device?

phalguni8 years ago

Yes, same device mobile and same url open on chrome web browser its work.

my url:

kindly help me on it.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Well, it doesn't open for me.