Problem getting a device online.

Fusion2 years ago

I am completely new to Traccar.

I am trying to add a Teltonika FMB920 to my server.
This FMB920 was working on a different server previously.

I have added the device IMEI, and configured in the Teltonika Configurator to my domain and port 5027.
The device just stays offline and Im stumped.

I've searched through the forums to find answers and have also tried to follow the Troubleshooting before anyone tries to send me that.
I'm not getting any data for the port 5027 or my device IMEI in the logs and theres no HEX logs at all which makes me think it could be a configuration issue device side.. am I missing something?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

If you already followed the troubleshooting guide, please provide all the details.

Fusion2 years ago

Pretty sure I did in the above message.. Troubleshooting Steps:

  1. Find HEX messages in the logs.
    1a. As explained.. There aren't any.

  2. Check if HEX messages are decoded.
    2a. Again, Aren't any.

  3. Investigate why HEX messages are not decoded: There are two main possibilities: Your device doesn't send GPS location. One of the reasons might be that it doesn't have a GPS fix. Note that GPS doesn't work indoors and it can take up to 15 or more minutes for device to get a first fix. Be patient. You are using wrong port. Proceed to point 5.
    3a. My device has GPS fix and as explained, I am using port 5027 which is the port used for teltonika.

  4. If you don't see HEX message in the log, it means that server doesn't receive any data from your device. Possible reasons:
    Server is not visible from the Internet. Use port check tool to verify. Proceed to point 6 if port is closed.
    Device is configured incorrectly or there is some problem with the device. Contact device vendor for more information.
    4a. The ports are open. and as stated, the device is configured to use my server and port. The device was working on a different server and when changing to the Traccar server it isnt working.

  5. Find correct port for your device.
    5a. As explained, already done so. 5027 for teltonika.

  6. Make sure required ports are open
    6a. Again, as stated, several times, the ports are open.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Not sure why you needed to do all of those steps. You only needed to do (1) and then (4) and this is the result based on what you did:

Device is configured incorrectly or there is some problem with the device. Contact device vendor for more information.

So I agree with your original assessment. Sounds like a device issue to me.

Fusion2 years ago

Im not entirely sure why you sit on these forums.. I've not seen you give help to a single person. Arsey remarks and unhelpful, patronising replies is all you send.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

I thought you're looking for a confirmation that you did the troubleshooting correctly and you're not missing anything. I guess maybe I misunderstood your question. Anyway, I marked your forum account to not bother you again in the future with my comments.

Track-trace2 years ago


Actually, Anton is the founder and developer of traccar server. I think it is amazing how much time he invests in answering questions and providing this open source software for free (let alone the amazing coding skills that he has).
In general i notice that many People ask questions without doing proper investigation and troubleshooting them selves. Or they lack the understanding on how devices, simcards, routers, firewalls, servers, operating systems work and interact with each other..

In your case i think the conclusion should be that the issue is with your tracker based on the details that you provide (since you state that the server is running and protocol port is open).

So it can only be that the tracker is not sending data to the correct server ip / port..
Thus this might be the simcard not having data, server ip / port not set correctly etc...