Problem deleting device

simplementese6 years ago

Good morning, I am.
I am having problems with the system. For a while now he hasn't let me remove devices. When you delete them and refresh the screen they reappear.

Any ideas? the locked table? the database is well configured since I configured it Anton and never touched.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Probably you have too much data for the device in the database. You might need to clear database manually first.

simplementese6 years ago

Note, that does not happen with everyone .. only with some occasional.
In fact, you cannot delete or make any changes to it.

simplementese6 years ago

another piece of information ... when trying to delete that X device .. it crashes since all the devices stop updating their position.

Daniel Barboza5 years ago

I have the same issue, always i update my traccar System when you have a new version, but i have 6 month with out can change the name of the devices or delete, but i can ADD new devices.

I can make what ever, like make report of position for a month, and the system don't crash, but when we click to delete device, the page show a Connection failure, this error only appear when we delete devices

simplementese5 years ago

Dear, I continue with this problem in which I can not remove 4 or 5 devices, neither from traccar nor from mysql

Trying to remove the device first :

DELETE FROM `base1`.`tc_devices` WHERE (`id` = '413');

neither first trying to delete records from that device

DELETE FROM `base1`.`tc_positions` WHERE (`deviceid` = '413');

The waiting time is always running out.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

It probably means that you either have too much data for each device or your database is very slow. You can try to remove data in smaller batches. For example by time ranges.

simplementese5 years ago

Could you delete data by time range, by device?

to this how could I add the last month?

delete from `base1`.`tc_positions` where (`deviceid` = '413') and devicetime < (NOW() - INTERVAL 30 day)  ??

will it be correct so it will work?
