Power/Battery percentage

renaud8 years ago


Instead of putting the power in numbers like
06=100% 05=80% 04=60% 03=40% 02=20% 01=10%

Wouldn't it be better to show them directly as percentage in the web interface? That would be clearer for most people I think.


Anton Tananaev8 years ago

You need to specify what protocol you are talking about. Each protocol is different.

renaud8 years ago

I was speaking about h02, but it should be for all protocols which include battery stats. Instead of putting a number representing the charge of the battery, which may be different for each protocol, put a percentage. That way, all protocols will look the same in the web interface.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

The problem is that some protocols report battery voltage instead of percentage.

renaud8 years ago

OK, for those it's probably better to leave voltage. But for the others it could be interesting to put a percentage instead of having a number which doesn't indicate much.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Where did you get the mapping between numbers and percentage from?

abyss8 years ago

Anton, I have found it in new documentation (in English). Also confirmed here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30652661/gps-tracking-grtq and in examples from this thread https://www.traccar.org/forums/topic/traccar-3-7-odd-position-issue/ values are looks like fit to such decoding.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Can I see the documentation?

renaud8 years ago

It's in https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/th4i62kmuvxq6vy/H02%20protocol%20EN.doc

Multi-base battery Protocol: adding one byte behind status means battery. *HQ,7893267560,NBR,081606,460,0,1,4,9338,3692,150,9338,3691,145,9338,3690,140, 9338,3692,139,220513,FFFFFBFF,cell# cell range of value: 1-6 6=100% 5=80% 4=60% 3=20% 2=10%

It's quite interesting as 2 is already 10%, which probably means 1 is 0%, so it will never arrive there

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

Are you saying that "cell range" means battery level? I thought it's something to do with GSM cell signal.

renaud8 years ago

Yes, it's battery "cells". Besides, it's written battery on top.

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

I have implemented decoding of battery percentage.

renaud8 years ago

awesome, thanks