Post data from another application to traccar API/application

vetriedi9 years ago

Dear Friends,

Post data from another application to traccar API/Application, may i know the steps or procedure to push data from another application to TRACCAR application


Anton Tananaev9 years ago

You can use some existing protocol. For example, this one:

vetriedi9 years ago

Hi bro, Thank you for your kind response, ill check it out, but is there any API because we are currently using licensed application we like to move to TRACCAR. if isn't any way ill do as your suggestion

Thank You

vetriedi9 years ago

we already finished server app for our tracker we just want to post data to TRACCAR API or stire directly in DB :)

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Traccar supports more than 100 different protocols (basically ways to post data), so I don't see any reason for adding yet another option to the API. You can use the protocol that I gave the link for. It's an HTTP-based protocol, so you can consider it as an API.

vetriedi9 years ago

ok thank you bro ill use this one :) , thank you so much ,have a niz day

vetriedi9 years ago

Hi Bro,

i have another doubt how should i push data to traccar protocol, which one should i do POST method / GET method or TCP Port, could you explain.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

You can do GET or POST. This particular protocol doesn't check HTTP method.

vetriedi9 years ago

when i send this dummy data


what i get is

The ipaddress page isn’t working

ipaddress didn’t send any data.

vetriedi9 years ago

i just followed like in this URl

and i post like below

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

So, what response code do you get?

vetriedi9 years ago

i think 200 because it doesn't give any error message , it's just a empty window/browser screen.

but when i asked to support team they said we didn't get any data in application UI.

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Code 200 means that everything works correctly. Check server logs to verify it.

vetriedi9 years ago

ok bro ill check and revert back

vetriedi9 years ago