Why have you created duplicate threads? Please never do anything like this or you will be banned from the forum.
All setup are done. but i enter Device identifier and then "on" service status status gives error is "send failed".
Read troubleshooting guide.
I Read All troubleshooting guide. but not fix it.
So please You provide remotely facility. Bcs i'm newbie
Device Identifier: 828586
Server address: http://ec2-52-221-200-121.ap-southeast-1.compute.amazonaws.com:8082/
Server port: 8082
Frequancy: 30
Location provider: Network provider
And this is the log
8:38 Service created
8:38 Connectivity change
8:38 Location update
8:38 Send failed
8:39 Location update
8:39 Send failed
8:39 Send failed
8:39 Location update
Port for Traccar client is 5055. Why are you using 8082?
8082 are using web traccar.
Exactly. It's for web app, not Traccar Client app.
So will the port address change web and mobile are different (i.e Mobile for 5055 and aws port 8082).
What version of Traccar Client are you using? Please provide a screenshot of main screen.
traccar client 5.11
Please You Provide remotely facility. Because i am a newbie and i was confuse. and not resolve problem.
I asked to provide a screenshot.
Traccar Client App shows logs "location Update" when I connect to the Traccar Server. But it is not updating the "positions" table or not inserting the new position when it comes. And the Traccar Web shows device is "offline". I have checked all the configuration connect to the server as connected to the server while run the project.