Port Skypatrol SP2602

oM7 years ago

Hi Anton

I am trying to register on my server of Traccar a Skypatrol gps (model SP-2602) but I am not successful.

According to the information of the devices supported by Traccar, I use port 5021 but there is no communication with the server since in the logs it is not displayed

I have changed to port 5001 and there if I see communication and is the following:

2018-05-09 23:52:42  INFO: [E917DEC6] connected
2018-05-09 23:52:47 DEBUG: [E917DEC6: 5001 <] HEX: 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
2018-05-09 23:52:50 DEBUG: [E917DEC6: 5001 <] HEX: f80604014706760bee79004f0122868c6a003716085350323630324e531556312e32342656312e302e3413003f66fffd5ac0fb526040000000000b04007909022e40002afd2c993c04017612010d02200011e621003100410051070cbcf8

Please help me by indicating which is the right port to use, since the SkyPatrol model SP2602 does not appear on the supported devices

Thanks for your help forever


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Try Ulbotech protocol.

salas7 years ago

How does this devices is configured.
Just by sms or do you use a software ?