Personalized map

Jérôme3 years ago

Hello, the personalized XYZ map is not displayed on version 5.

Here is the link I use:,traffic&hl=sl&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}&s=Ga

Functional on version 4.15.

Is there a solution ?

Thank you

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You need to configure:

<entry key='web.sanitize'>false</entry>
Jérôme3 years ago

Out of curiosity, what is this parameter because I don't see it in:

Thank you

Anton Tananaev3 years ago
Jérôme3 years ago

Ok thank you it works.

Last question :

If I tell version 5 to take over the Mysql database from version 4.15 everything will start again?

Thank you

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Yes, you can upgrade as usual.

Angelzarias3 years ago


You need to configure:

<entry key='web.sanitize'>false</entry>

How I do this? I need replace or add this paremeter where? in a folder?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago
Avant2 years ago

FYI, <entry key='web.sanitize'>false</entry> is still missing on this page

Mark2 years ago

I am trying to load custom map tiles to our traccar. Have tried everything I read about in the forums, but to no avail. Mapbox, custom xyz tiles, etc. Do I have to go back to an older version to get this to work?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Mark, you should probably provide much more details on what exactly you've tried, what the result was etc.

Mark2 years ago

I first tried loading my own gis data uploaded to mapbox, got the styleID and the key but could not get it to work. I then resorted to adding XYZ maps created with maptiler. But I am getting 404 errors. Maybe it doesn't like the 8082 port in the name?
Anton Tananaev2 years ago

What is that URL?

Mark2 years ago
Anton Tananaev2 years ago

That's not a proper tile server URL. If that's what you tried, it obviously won't work.

It doesn't seem like you're very interested based on your replies and refusal to provide full details. Sending some random URLs without any context on what those URLs actually means. If you need any further help, I suggest you start providing more details (full context, screenshots, documentation links, console errors etc etc etc).