Own Traccar server and Teltonika FM3300 strange problem

scyhe8 years ago

Hello, i have FM3300 Teltonika device. It is configured to send data position every 15seconds. It works very good when i send data to demo4.traccar server (every 15 seconds i have new data), but when i configure my device to send data to own server 3.10 it sends only one data frame and nothing else, from time to time it start to send data suddenly , but after few minutes it stop. After one hour or more it suddenly start sending data once again. I dont have any idea. I tried linux (debian) server 3.10 or Windows 3.10 and previous versions. My servers are behind NAT ( forward port 5027 ) To eliminate network problem i used 2 routers and 2 ISP. Each time when i configure FM3300 to send data to demo server it works OK (without lags and lost data positions) Teltonika device is in static place with good LTE/3G GPS signal (works ok with demo in the same place).

Anton Tananaev8 years ago

All demo servers run latest official release of Traccar, so there should be no difference.