Online/Offline notifications - is it possible to delay?

Pat4 years ago

Hi all,

I've had a good look at the forum to no avail.

I have setup SMS notifications to let me know when a device becomes offline/online for the purpose of monitoring and to be able to correct any issues quickly. These work flawlessley with the Traccar SMS app.
The only issue I have is that even if the device drops for a split second, it sends the alert.
This is not an issue with cost of sending as the messages, as they are running from an unlimited prepaid plan from a physical phone - however it becomes annoying with the bulk of messages coming through for very small dropouts.
Is it possible to add a condition to the notification that will only trigger if the event has been active for say 60 seconds?
e.g. device goes offline at 12:01:20 and comes back online at 12:01:22 (NO notification sent)
e.g. device goes offline at 12:01:20 and comes back online at 12:02:30 (YES notification sent)

Kind Regards,


Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Not possible currently.

Pat4 years ago

No worries thankyou for your reply Anton.