Old version is unavailable, the Modern version is not as good as the Old

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

And if you click on the location icon?

ildar3 years ago

Oh, now I see what you mean.
OK, assume I see a table on the "Route" report.
There are icons on the 1st column - assume these are "location icons".
If some icon is pressed - then I see a map on the upper half of the screen.
Oddly I cannot resize these halves - so the map occupies 2/5 of the screen's height, need to watch info on the small map.

Now, there are thousands of lines.
If I need to know at what time a person was at some particular point - I just cannot do it.
I need to select all points one by one to find a line corresponding to some place.
Earlier I could just select a "marker" on a map a see all info (including time, battery level etc).
Or I could select a time on the bottom graph and see a point on the map.

Not to mention that I cannot switch between "where is mom, how is her battery level?" (static info on the map) and "where my wife is driving?" (route report on the map) - which was possible earlier...

I agree that it is not easy to create smth perfect which is liked by everyone...

ildar3 years ago

Please restore a possibility to use the old UI.
The Modern UI covers some tasks, I agree, but not as efficient as the Old UI.
Probably the next UI should contain features from the Old UI too.

  1. "Live trail":
    what use of it if it disapperes after switching to another person or after accidental closing a small popup window (which contains address, speed and some buttons)?

  2. Report -> Route -> show a route on a map by pressing a small "location" button on the 1st table's column (https://www.traccar.org/forums/topic/old-version-is-unavailable/page/2/#post-74091) - it is not easy (or even possible) to analize:

  • you do not know how to see "at what time the person was at this place" (earlier I just selected a marker on a map);
  • there are thousands of lines and you need to scroll down a lot if you want to know "where was the person at this moment of time" (erlier I just selected a point on the graph below the map).
  1. You cannot switch between several persons and see a current position for some persons and a route for another person (also see description above) - as it was possible earlier.
Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Old UI is still available. And for feature request you should use GitHub.

ildar3 years ago

Old UI is still available.

You agreed that old UI is not available for demo servers.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You agreed that old UI is not available for demo servers.

Correct. As we have stated from the very start, demo servers represent the default configuration. It doesn't mean it's not available in Traccar. It's just a configuration option now. There are other things that are disabled in Traccar by default, like geolocation, but it's not correct to say Traccar doesn't have them.

ildar3 years ago

Switching OFF old UI for free users -> disabling features for free users since some features are only available in old UI.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Traccar software is free. You can host your own server and switch there.

ildar3 years ago

You can host your own server and switch there.

I agree, but this makes an average user to be a qualified person, to be able to create a server and install your software.
Otherwise - any non-qualified person may just register on your demo server and then use your services.

OK, I will try to learn how to host a server...
Thanks a lot for answers!

DaveGG3 years ago

You say... https://www.traccar.org/forums/topic/old-version-is-unavailable/#post-74081
and I ask you. Needed old traccar versiĆ³n previously install in some machine to catch this old conf file.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

You don't need old config file. You just need to configure the path parameter in the config file.

DaveGG3 years ago

And thanks again here @Anton