Old version is unavailable, the Modern version is not as good as the Old

ildar3 years ago

About an hour ago my webpage was reloaded and then I saw a modern version.
I cannot fins any possibility to return to the old version.
It used to be on the "login" screen, now it is not there.

I was using the old version since the modern one does not allow to see a historical route of a person.
OK, there is a "Replay" feature - but I do not need THIS implementation, it is less convenient (do not want to say "too bad") if compared with the old one.

Earlier I was able to do this:

  1. Select 1st person on the left panel - and see his location.
  2. Select 2nd person on the left panel - and see his location.
  3. Select "type: Chart" on the bottom panel, select 1st person, select "Today", press "Show" button - and then see his today route.
  4. Select 2nd person on the left panel - and see his location.
  5. Select 1st person on the left panel - and see his route. Update the route by pressing "Show" button.
    That was EASY and CONVENIENT.

Now I just cannot use the Web access the same way.
I agree, the modern version is nice - but it does not provide same features.

The modern version:

  1. Select 1st person - then do nothing, the current route starting from this moment of time is displayed.
  2. Select 2nd person - see his location.
  3. Select 1st person - great, his route is not displayed any more.
Anton Tananaev3 years ago

What version are you using?

ildar3 years ago

I am using demo3 server.
Of course, I should not complain since it's a free version....

ildar3 years ago

And a similar story happened with my mobile Traccar Manager.
Now it is on Modern UI too.
Cannot switch back to the old version.
And cannot use the Modern version - seems not working on iOS 12.5.5.
I only see a white blank screen.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

What server are you using?

ildar3 years ago

demo3 server.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

For demo servers there will be no way to switch back to the legacy app. If you host your own server, you can switch in the config file. That's starting from Traccar 5.3.

ildar3 years ago

OK. Then too bad that the Modern version does not provide features which work good on the Old version.
And I repeat - iOS app does not work.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Are you talking about live trail?

ildar3 years ago

And seems that integration with Home Assistant broke again today: https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues/76400
It worked fine less than a week.

ildar3 years ago

Are you talking about live trail?

When I was talking about Old version - I did not mean a "live trail".
Probably this trail was added in the Modern version.
And - as I said before - it disappears if you switch to the 2nd person and then come back to the 1st person.

No, I was talking about a historical route (reports -> type=chart, select a device, select "Today", press "Show" button).
Then a historical route was displayed - along with some graph like "Battery level".
When the person changed his position - I see his "circle" on the new position on the map; also I may press "Show" button to redraw his route to the last position.
And if I switch to another person and come back to the 1st person - the route is not disappeared, I just may press "Show" button again to refresh it.
This was a VERY COOL and CONVENIENT feature.
Now it is not available.

Instead, I have to use a "Replay" feature. It shows a route too w/o showing a current position. And if I switch to another person, then I have to repeat all my actions to show the route.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Have you tried route report?

As for chart, have you submitted your feedback on GitHub?

ildar3 years ago

Have you tried route report?

  1. Go to Report (2nd button on the bottom left).
  2. Select Replay. Select device, "Today" - this is a "Replay" feature which I mentioned above.


  1. Select a device on the left panel.
  2. A small popup window appears on the map, with speed, distance etc; select 2nd button on the bottom of this popup which leads to the same "Replay" feature.

Anyway, as I said before - the "Replay" feature is cool but is not same as the old implementation:

  • the current position is not displayed (unless you start a "replay"), only a route is displayed;
  • if you switch to another person - you have to initialize the "replay" again.
    Cannot explain it easier.

As for chart, have you submitted your feedback on GitHub?
What shall I submit?
I have no complains about the old version.

Of course, I may submit my complains regarding the Modern version on Github.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

I was talking about the route report, not replay.

ildar3 years ago

I was talking about the route report, not replay.

OK, goto Reports -> Route, select a device & "Today" - then I see a table with data, not a route on a map.
If come back to the map (press "left arrow" button) - a see a map w/o a route.