Are you sure the issue is with buffering and not GPS update?
Anton, you might have the right question on the table, thanks! I investigated the problem more. There are many of those gaps in data, and I succeeded to see situation, where 1 hour data came from buffer with gaps and real data. So the offline buffer is not the case, that is working.
Looks like the reason is related to Samsung Xcover7 5G phones. At least 2/2 of those are making gaps in data, compared with other phone models. Could this be some Samsung internal power management issue?
It absolutely can be. Samsung is notoriously bad at this:
I am using android client to provide gps-positions. Offline buffering is set to true, because there is some parts where there are no data connection network available. I have noticed reduce in offline buffering since last autumn. As a dropbox link, there is example picture, where there is no data from one place. If buffering is on, I think data should appear later, but it does not. Any idea or have other seen similar issue nowadays? Buffering worked fine earlier.