notifications: how to link a single device to an event?

lemon5 years ago


I'm running traccar 4.10 and try to get telegram working with sending me notifications of certain events. Tried it successfully with sending my notifications when the devices go on- or offline. Now what I'd like to know how I can link a certain device to a notification as for now I always had to check "all devices" in the notification setup.
Documentation says "All Devices means that notification will be sent from all user devices, if it is not set the Notification will be sent from only device/group it is linked to."
But how can I link a device/group to a notification?

Thank you very much!


Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Select notifications in the device or group menu and link there.

lemon5 years ago

Thank you very much, Anton, now that I know how to do it seems obvious to me :-|