You can use computed attributes feature.
If that proves
Description: nivel
Atributo: Alarma
Expresion: batteryLevel < 20
Tipo: cadena
And tilde the option of notification via mail, type of alarm notification
Something should be missing, probe send test notification and it works perfect
I would recommend to use "lowBattery" as value.
How would I have to use "lowBattery" in expression to make me work
Something like this:
batteryLevel < 20 ? "lowBattery" : null
I was looking at the table positions in the attributes field and saved this data
What I would like to do is that when batteryLevel is below 20 for example send me a notification
I could not do it, please, if you can guide me
I have already provided you a guide.
Thank you for what you told me was perfect.
Is there a way that the mail you send me does every certain amount of time ?, and not every time the calculated attribute is true, is not to receive an email every 5 minutes
Unfortunately not.
OK thanks
Hi folks. Is there in the recent version of Traccar a way to avoid the repetition of notifications like described by chuflo326? I've set an alarm using batteryLevel attribute as shown by Anton, but it fires multiple times during the day.
Hi, how would you like to send a notification by email, when the battery of the device is below 20% as you would have to configure that