No PW reset on demo server

DokPit2 months ago

I have on account on the demo3 server with one device, and a second account with another device. Now I tried to bring them together by deleting the device in the first account and also the account. Both failed, and the eMail of the first account and the device id is always blocked for the second account. What can I do?

Track-trace2 months ago

Setup your own server?

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

You can try different server. Demo or own server or subscription.

DokPit2 months ago

Up to now, I can't setup my own server - maybe later. My attempt with a new account on a demo server failed with the error, that both of my eMail addresses lead to an error. And I suppose, that a new account, with a new eMail address will lead to an new error during the fact, that the device is blocked.

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

We have several demo servers.

DokPit2 months ago

Sorry for the late response. I signed with a new account on the „demo“ server and also register my both devices (Traccar Client at iPhone and tracker at my car) from demo3 to demo. This worked - but: I failed to send a test notification via firebase to my phone. This worked well before at the demo3 server. What can be wrong?

My second question: How can I or some one administrating the demo3 server delete my both devices, so that I can switch back to demo3. This server seems to be faster for me, who ist located in Germany.

Tanks for your help

Anton Tananaev2 months ago

Unfortunately we don't provide support for demo servers.

DokPit2 months ago

The problem with the firebase is solved. I erase the app on my iPhone and reinstalled the app. Now it work perfectly.

I suggest to deleted devices which are not used for a definite time in the database of the demo servers to save space and calculation time.