No Map on Traccar manager after SSL instalation

CRIS CAN5 years ago

Hello, along with saying thanks for an amazing platform, im was wondering What this issue could be:

After installig valid SSL Certificates for my server, my trccar manager lost the map and its blank now.

I procceded to install my SSL certicate following documentation provided in, after installation everything works perfectly, now i can see Green Lock on browsers, Web App is working perfectly and now thast i have a valid SSL certificate my traccar manager now has connection again, but when i log into the traccar manager now map is shown, only blank background, i see icons but no map.

For maps im using a custom map: Custom (XYZ) with this map URL:

CUSTOM MAP TILE:{x}&y={y}&z={z}&s=Ga

This is only happening on Traccar manager, we downloaded it directly from app store.

Any ideas of what this could be? Thanks in advance to anyone

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Use HTTPS version for the map.