No errors but it doesn't work (Digital Ocean Ubuntu)

Iago2 years ago

Followed the tutorial. No errors during or when starting the service. There is no error in the log either.
But when I go to the browser and try to access the ip:8082, it just doesn't open.

Should I have installed apache or nix?
The installation process from this link says nothing about having to install an http server

I also checked if there is any firewall rule preventing access, but by default there is no firewall installed in the instance I created in Digital Ocean
Can someone help me?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Is the service running? Have you checked logs?

Iago2 years ago

From what I understand, yes.

Below, the log.

2023-01-17 20:57:45  INFO: Operating system name: Linux version: 5.4.0-132-generic architecture: amd64
2023-01-17 20:57:45  INFO: Java runtime name: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM vendor: Eclipse Adoptium version: 17.0.4+8
2023-01-17 20:57:45  INFO: Memory limit heap: 237mb non-heap: 0mb
2023-01-17 20:57:45  INFO: Character encoding: UTF-8 charset: UTF-8
2023-01-17 20:57:45  INFO: Version: 5.5
2023-01-17 20:57:45  INFO: Starting server...
2023-01-17 20:57:45  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2023-01-17 20:57:46  WARN: Registered driver with driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver was not found, trying direct instantiation.
Anton Tananaev2 years ago

The memory limit seems pretty low. Which instance are you using?

Iago2 years ago

Although I put the amount of memory according to the tutorial, the amount was bothering me from the beginning.
After you asked about it, I decided to increase it to an instance with 2048.00 MB

So I took advantage and created the new instance from scratch and repeated the installation process.
Below is the log file link up to the time I started the service

Thanks for trying to help me.

Iago2 years ago

I achieved.

I used the command to open the linux port.
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 8082 -j ACCEPT

Thanks for your help Anton Tananaev.
Have a great day, and sorry for the google translated texts

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

I'm pretty sure on the standard Ubuntu instances all the ports are open by default. Do you know why it was closed?

Iago2 years ago

Exactly. For this reason it had not unlocked before. I even checked on the panel of the Digital Ocean instance if there was no Firewall and there wasn't.

I have no idea why it's blocked. The idea came to mind and I just unlocked it.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Are you sure you've used a standard clean Ubuntu server and not something from the marketplace? What version?

Muhammad2 months ago

I also faced Same Issue with my ubuntu droplet in digital ocean. I unblock port 8082 and Worked smoothly after that.