Proxy only works for HTTP based protocol. You can just forward two different ports on your router to two different servers.
For example, ports 5xxx go to server 1 and 6xxx go to server 2.
Hi Anton..Im using sinotrack devices and only uses port 5013. On second server if I use 6013, will this port work for the sinotrack devices
You can map 6013 on the router to 5013 port on the server. You can also change any port numbers you want on the server. I don't see any problem.
If I change to the port number on the server from 5013 to 6013...must it be done on the main config or traccar.xml. thank you in advance
What is the main config? Have you read documentation?
You say I can change any port numbers on server. Can it be done on the config file or the linux OS. Im running on ubuntu
Read the documentation.
Have a look at your traccar.xml you will see the port numbers and protocols.
Hi, I have sorted out the issue, I port forwarded external port to 6013 to internal port 5013, it works like a charm. Thank you guys. So one can add multiple traccar servers to the same network.
Nginx. On this reverse proxy can you add a port for the devices like 5013 on the coƱfig.Reason being I have 2 servers and can only use one port forwarder per ip on my router. Any assistance will help.