New Freematic - No GPS location

sdntech5 months ago

I added another Freematic to my fleet, the device shows up online but then no GPS data, and the time is set to default year 1980 as well. Please see the screenshot attached.
I used the same freematic program that I am using for other devices.
The devices logs reads like shown below-

[BUF] 4 samples | 38 bytes | 1/32
[DAT] UCFLXXXX#0:367292,81:-58,24:390,20:0;-0.01;0.01,82:55*16
[WIFI] 56 bytes sent
[NET] 00:12.2 | Packet #20 | Out: 0 KB | In: 72 bytes | 286 KB/h


Thanks for help.

Track-trace5 months ago

Normally you should be able to set the data and time if the device..

And check the traccar server log for incoming data.

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Year 1980 and zero coordinates usually means that the device hasn't reported any GPS location. Possibly no GPS fix yet.

I also see that there's some web socket connection problem. See the red dot on the map icon.