New Filter based on event

LiberSat3 months ago

Hi, is that possible to have a new filter that filter positions after an event ? like device stoped.

Because we have trackers that have ignition attribute on all positions, so the filters that we like do not work , like duplicate and distance, so we would like to filter duplicate, distance positions only after device get event stoped.

Anton Tananaev3 months ago

You would have to change the code.

LiberSat3 months ago ?

is it like position.getEvent() == "Stoped" , can you tell how do I need to set it ?

LiberSat3 months ago

to get event is almost like this ?

protected boolean filterPosition(Position position) {

    // Get the device ID
    long deviceId = position.getDeviceId();

    // Check if it's a "stopped" event
    if (position.getAttributes().containsKey("event")) {
        String event = position.getAttributes().get("event").toString();
        if ("stopped".equals(event)) {
            stoppedState.put(deviceId, true); // Mark as stopped
        } else if ("moving".equals(event)) {
            stoppedState.put(deviceId, false); // Mark as moving

    // Apply filtering only if the device is stopped
    if (stoppedState.getOrDefault(deviceId, false)) {
        // Check if the new position is identical to the last processed position
        Position lastPosition = lastPositions.get(deviceId);
        if (lastPosition != null 
                && lastPosition.getLatitude() == position.getLatitude()
                && lastPosition.getLongitude() == position.getLongitude()
                && lastPosition.getSpeed() == position.getSpeed()) {
            return true; // Filter (discard) the repeated position

        // Update the last processed position
        lastPositions.put(deviceId, position);

    return false; // Do not filter (accept) the position