Network Provider on TK Units

Max6 years ago

Good afternoon
I have managed to get some trackers to display mobile network provider, in the state window with attributes, as the trackers send the information as standard to the state window, I have looked at the Hex code of several TK905/915 Units and notice they do send the county code and mobile next work 241,45 is an example. How can i get what is displayed in the HEX to be used in the front end as an attribute? so i can use this same as the trackers that send the information to the front end as standard?

Peter Flower6 years ago

I see your message to Anton, I will help you.
You need to check the decoder of the protocol of your device.
What's your device?

Best Regards

Max6 years ago

Peter Flower Thank you for your reply

Would you have any point of contact? perhaps email address? we could email direct save using up Forum bandwith