Need help for server update 5.10 to 6.5

Bhanu From Nepal5 months ago

Hello all,
Curentlly I am using tracer version 5.10 on Winodws VPS , I am using SQL Server 2019 for database.
Now, I need to update my traccar server to 6.5 without any data lossing.
I want to know few things:
a. If i take backup of current database frm sql server and after installting new traccar version I will conect my database from traccar.xml it will works or not.
b. If there any table or filed added or modificatin from 5.10 to 6.5 how can I will manage it?
c. I am facing gt06 frezz problem , Fix time error etc, I hope updating will slove my problem.

Please suggest me any good idea. I am not profissional on coding but can handle SQL or other installtion process well.

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

All table changes will be handled automatically.

Bhanu From Nepal5 months ago

Thanks a lots for your responce. I am confuse about modern web. when we update from Installer , is there any changes on web or not. Becuase we modify web UI as per our requirment. This update changes server only or modern web also. How can i manage our web version as same like now.
Sorry for distrubing you I am updating traccer for first time so I am confuesd.

Track-trace5 months ago

Just my two cents

One thing is for sure. Make a backup of the install directory and the database.

What i actually dont understand from your questions is that it seems that you do not have a lot of knowledge about it.
So that a good recipe for disaster :)

I would suggest first try out a new traccar install 6.5 in a different directory / database on the same or other server.
Then test it with some of your devices and check out the web ui.

Also when you have modified 5.10 web ui, then why dont just do the same in 6.5 and compile to test it ?

Bhanu From Nepal5 months ago

Thanks for your suggagtion Track-Trace !

It means here are changes on WEB UI too.

I am trying to test it on another VM first with same database backup from current server.

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

How can i manage our web version as same like now.

You have to merge your changes.

Bhanu From Nepal5 months ago

Dear Anton,
Can we use Tracker-Web old version (currenly in use version) v. 5.10 with latest version of traccar server.
We are using GT06 Chines devices (250 + Deives online now) , is there any problem with GT06 and new version or not?
Using on Windows based VPS and Using Installer. I dont have any idea about Java so.
In privious I hired a react developer and he build and deply web version for me with login page UI modification. But, he is not avilable now so I faced this proble, Please help.

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Most likely it won't be compatible. Most things might work, but you'll get errors in random places.

Bhanu From Nepal5 months ago
