N.B. database.historyDays / database cleanup removed

Christoph Krey4 years ago

With traccar server 4.12 this commit
the default parameter database.historyDays was removed.

If you want to keep your database tidy, use a script like clear history.

It may be a good idea to

Christoph Krey4 years ago
Jose B4 years ago


Esse database.historyDays remover? Why?


Anton Tananaev4 years ago

It did not work in many cases. On large database it locks tables and times out.

Jose B4 years ago

I am reading the site https://www.traccar.org/clear-history/ and I think that have a error in sql syntax.

Where you use: "SELECT positionId FROM tc_devices" after "not in".

I think that the correct will be "SELECT positionid FROM tc_devices WHERE positionid IS NOT NULL"

please check https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15525636/mysql-not-in-doesnt-work

I am not proggramer, so I cannot know if this is a issue, because in my DB is returning empty rows, but it is not true

can you help?


Anton Tananaev4 years ago

You are probably right. I'll update it.

Please next time don't add so many quotes everywhere. It actually broke your links.

Jose B4 years ago

Works ! I could delete older registers