
fonnie9 years ago

i've purchased what has to be a megastek MT-60X (anklebelt gpstracker)

i've configured the tracker to send data to port 5024 on, but i'm not receiving data
i've tried several other ports 5001,5002,5021,5023

i does not work.
since i'm on the demo2 server, i can not see the data, and can not seem to find the right protocol.

for the moment I can not set up my own server (bussinessPC and no fixed IP)

for the moment it is configured for port 5001 (TCP)

what extra information do you need to solve this problem

best regards

Stefaan De Ridder

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

What's the device id?

fonnie9 years ago


this is the imei of the device, is that enough information?

yesterday i've switched back to port 5024, now I'm back on port 5001

best regards

Stefaan De Ridder

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

I can see some data from your device in the log, but it's not decoded because format has slightly changed. I have fixed it now, but the fix will only be rolled out with next release.

By the way, port 5024 is the correct one.

fonnie9 years ago

THNX a lot

regarding the next release : is that for the version that needs to be installed, or also for the

will i see changes when i configure for port 5024?

best regards


Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Demo servers are updated with official release, so at the moment you won't see any differences.

fonnie9 years ago

thank you, I'll wait a bit longer then.

does it help if i send you the full documentation with the protocol and user manual. I've just received it from megastek.

best regards

Stefaan De Ridder

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

It would be nice to have latest documentation. Please send to my email (address is on support page).

fonnie9 years ago

mail sent
best regards


fonnie9 years ago


I've build a standalone server from source, I've used the protocols from github (test megastek)
for the Megastek MT-60x I receive data in the log on port 5024, but it does not translate to a position on the map, and it is not giving info on the latest info

2016-08-29 22:06:07  INFO: Operating system name: Windows 7 version: 6.1 architecture: amd64
2016-08-29 22:06:07  INFO: Java runtime name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM vendor: Oracle Corporation version: 25.101-b13
2016-08-29 22:06:07  INFO: Memory limit heap: 896mb non-heap: 0mb
2016-08-29 22:06:07  INFO: Character encoding: Cp1252 charset: windows-1252
2016-08-29 22:06:07  INFO: Version: null
2016-08-29 22:06:15  INFO: Starting server...
2016-08-29 22:06:33  INFO: [6BDF0471] connected
2016-08-29 22:06:56  INFO: [DF548707] connected
2016-08-29 22:06:58 DEBUG: [DF548707: 5024 <] HEX: 244d47563030322c3836393135323032343434363932332c2c532c3239303831362c3230303632372c562c353035362e32313035392c4e2c30303433392e32353033342c452c30302c30302c30302c39392e392c2c2c2d32352e312c2c3230362c30312c304242422c343431382c32382c2c2c2c2c2c2c2c2c30312c3039332c54696d65723b21
2016-08-29 22:07:01 DEBUG: [DF548707: 5024 <] HEX: 244d47563030322c3836393135323032343434363932332c2c522c3239303831362c3230303635372c562c353035362e32313035392c4e2c30303433392e32353033342c452c30302c30302c30302c39392e392c2c2c2d32352e312c2c3230362c30312c304242422c343431382c32382c2c2c2c2c2c2c2c2c30312c3039332c54696d65723b21

this is part of the server log file,

can you please verify what is going wrong?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

I have pushed some more Megastek protocol fixes. Please try again.

fonnie9 years ago

rebuild from new source, I now receive info, which seems correct, on my personal setup.
Thanks Megastek protocol for MT60-X is ok

seem to have lost my GPS103 tracking, but that one worked before, so should be easy to restart.

Thanks Anton, you are the best

best regards
