Modern interface

Deborah2 years ago


After upgrading to 5.0 I am trying the new ui for the first time.

I don't find myself with some things that I think are missing:

  • In the vehicle list the latest update is missing. (In addition to the device update have you thought of entering the date of the last trip [so the date of the last ignition shutdown])

  • When you click on a vehicle, some default attributes (speed, address...) are shown on the map. Can these attributes be made to change? I would need more of them always in the foreground. and I would like to replace distance with odometer for example. With the old graphics I always kept the list of attributes open on the left, and now it is very inconvenient.

  • The route report I see doesn't show you the status of all the attributes. In my opinion the way it was before was much more convenient (you could see the list of messages and by clicking you could see the status in the map as if it was in real time). Can you maybe create a new report for this?

  • When the map is poorly zoomed in, neighboring vehicles are clustered. Can this function be turned off?

  • Reports, if I add additional columns to display, give error

  • Reports cannot select a group! If I want to see the summary of my vehicles I have to do it several times

I hope to be of help

Thank you

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

In the vehicle list the latest update is missing.

This will probably be added in the next update.

Can these attributes be made to change?

Yes, in preferences.

Can you maybe create a new report for this?

You can pick which attributes you want to see.

Can this function be turned off?

Yes, in preferences.

Reports, if I add additional columns to display, give error

Please create a bug report on GitHub.

Reports cannot select a group!

We plan to add it back for some reports.

Deborah2 years ago

Thanks Anton

I found how to add attributes in map. However, you can't add calculated attributes?
Can't they also be divided by device? For example I have 3 temperature probes on one vehicle that I don't have on another. If I enable attributes I see the probes (without value) even where they are not needed!

When I do path repost if I go back to the map I don't see the path. Is this normal?
I can only view the route with the replay function, but for only one vehicle at a time. How can I view the route of all (or part) of the vehicles?

I will now open a couple of bugs on GitHub.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

If an attribute is not available for some device, it won't show. We fixed this after the release, so it will be available with the next.

When I do path repost if I go back to the map I don't see the path. Is this normal?

That's expected.

Currently you can only see a route for a single vehicle.

I will now open a couple of bugs on GitHub.

Sounds good. Thank you.

Deborah2 years ago

Thanks, as I use the new version I will ask you more questions :)

Is there provision for the use of calculated attributes in the map view?

Jérôme2 years ago

xml <entry key='notificator.traccar.key'>mykey</entry>

Attribute / Notification token in server settings on version 5?

If I insert it in the config, can I remove it from the xml file?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

No. You're confusing API key and device token. Those are completely different things.