Missing green arrow

hoohek9 years ago

than you admin for great software.
I have problem.
After few days of using traccar server version 3.5 the green arrow is disappearing in a view.
Everything is working, position is saving, I can see history of vehicle point.
After reset in work again some time.
Do you how can I correct it?

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Do you mean that you can't see current position? Check browser developer console to see if there are any errors there.

hoohek9 years ago

no errors

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Can I have access to take a look?

tomas9 years ago


I am have the same problem after updating from 3.3 to 3.5. But sometimes it works, sometimes it show only one from 3 devices on map. Tried it on Chrome latest and IE 11. - and it is not browser specific.

In console also no error

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

@tomas, can I take a look?

tomas9 years ago

of course, Anton, I have sent credentials to your email.

Sergiy9 years ago

Да, действительно столкнуться с той же проблемой... Иногда зеленая стрелка не показывает положение на гугл мапс.

В правом меню "состояние " есть все последние данные , но отображение на карте отсутствует.
Заметил закономерность :

машина в движение - треугольник на карте есть

машина в гараже - треугольник на карте очень редко.

НО, Все данные положения машины слева в колонке есть

PS: в гараже сигнал плохой

tomas9 years ago

In traccar v 3.6 seems to be working properly

simryc9 years ago

In 3.6 it seems to be ok.