Mictrack 4G GPS Tracker MT600 Feedback

Mictrack6 years ago
Peter Jombík6 years ago

hello. i have mt600 plus but i had problem. traccar show position on map everytime too mutch on left side.

Mictrack6 years ago

Hi Peter,

Have you fix it or please contact us at info@mictrack.com


Chris6 years ago

I have mt600 and want to know if I can write firmware for it

Mictrack6 years ago

Hi Chris,

MT600 do not support that, but accept ODM.


damien yong6 years ago

My Usb Cable doesn't recognise the device, do you need a special cable for programming ?
Also does the SOS Button send sms even when SMS is deactivated ? If it doesn't, would there be a way to do so, because SOS should be priorized.
Also my GPS signal hops very often, so that it sends multiple "towed messages" a day, whithout it being towed, any way to reduce this ?

Mictrack6 years ago

Hi Damien,

You're right,the Program USB Cable is special and not standard, please contact your sales to get it if need.
Generally If the SOS trigger it will send SMS to the authorize phone number and then report alert to server, of course need SMS and data service enable or it will not send sms event.

If the device stop for a long time maybe GPS drift, we suggest connect the ACC(GREEN Wire) and then send 1600000 command to disable alert.


Peter Jombík6 years ago

hello. i like my mt600plus. i have 11pcx already. Its posible to somehow to this: work mode -> switch -> personal mode??? becouse in some companies cars are used for work and private transport too, but you must separate this trips...

Chris6 years ago

So that's why I asked if it is possible to write / alter firmware. Some finetuning need to be applied to smoothen out the working as desired. Also to program some rules like:

  • between these hours, do not track device
  • when relay x is triggered, (which could mean, switch in car is flipped), do not track device
  • when GPS drift is between x meters, do not sms towed-alert to owner
    Also I would like to know, if it is technically possible to change the relay ports to a communication protocol, which I can than use to connect to an arduino / raspberry Pi, to communicate between these 2 devices. A whole new world will open up when you can write your own programs and add extra sensors (via arduino / raspberry Pi) and send this data via de tracking 4G messages.
damien yong6 years ago

-> when GPS drift is between x meters, do not sms towed-alert to owner

this would be awsome

Also sending SMS-Codes via traccar would be nice to (without an sms-gateway)

Chris6 years ago

Also, I get way to many 'CLP' sms messages or 'BLP' messages when car battery or internal battery is low. Sometimes every 5 minutes. There should be a threshold (configurable when possible) before resending such a message. (my tracker is build into a scooter which has only a 5 Amp battery)
I mean: It's not that my battery is low that often, but WHEN it is (Because I haven't used my scooter for several weeks), I get many messages.

Mictrack6 years ago

Hi Peter,

Sorry, currently the MT600 Plus do not support that modes.


Mictrack6 years ago

Hi Chris,

We confirm with our engineers.
Unfortunate most of interface or resources are not open due to the confidentiality of the firmware.
But OEM/ODM is acceptable, we would like to get your email if any requirements for your project.

For the BLP/CLP alert. The device will auto-charge when backup battery voltage is less then 3.5V, or it will not charge. When it under charge the voltage is maybe jump, so sometime it will report BLP again.

We also will feedback it to our engineers.


Peter Jombík6 years ago

its posible show in traccar: voltage, temperature or other informations from mictrack mt-600plus?

Mictrack6 years ago

Hi Peter,

As i know traccar server do not support show the info, if so need Anton to upgrade to support that.
